Scrumptious Scookies

Here in Minnesota, winter (perhaps drawing inspiration from the pandemic) has been reluctant to leave us. This has inspired me to seek delight via one of my favorite pastimes: baking with my kids. This month’s triumph has been “scookies.”


It may seem like I should be comfortable writing about this pregnancy by now, but the truth is I still feel like I am tempting fate every time I talk about it. Still, I am trying to hold space for that fear. And excitement. And gratitude. And grief. So that’s what I wrote about. I hope this essay resonates with anyone who is trying to move forward with authenticity after one of life’s curveballs.

My Latest For PALS: A Potential Space

When I thought about what I would write about for my bi-monthly spot in Pregnancy After Loss Support’s publishing calendar, my mind flashed back to something a doctor said to me right before an important ultrasound. She said, “A uterus is a potential space.” It’s an interesting way to talk about an organ but I think the reason the moment came to me wasn’t because of biology.